cronut group

Dominique Ansel, le Frenchy qui met New York au régime Cronut®

10th March 2015

Depuis deux ans, la boutique chic de Dominique Ansel ne désemplit pas: son donut à base de pâte à croissant fourré à la crème a séduit les New-Yorkais. Secrets de fabrication d’un gâteau au marketing savoureux.

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apple beignets huffington post

Huffington Post Shares Chef Dominique Ansel’s Apple Beignet Recipe

30th September 2013

What dessert inspirations did Chef Dominique Ansel have prior to becoming a pastry chef? Here, he shares his mom’s apple beignet recipe, made by dipping hand-picked apples into a beignet batter.

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BFM Grand Journal

BFM Le Grand Journal Chats with Chef Dominique Ansel

15th July 2013

Chef Dominique Ansel talks to BMF Le Grand Journal about the Cronut® and the story of how it came to be. From the 2 month development, with more than 10 recipe trials, to how he now manages the line and customers daily.

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